Reintegration Therapy

Reintegration Therapy (or Reunification Therapy) is a type of therapy involving a family in which one parent is estranged from or rejected by a child or in which the parent has been absent from the child’s life for a long period of time. This therapy is designed to build, or rebuild, the relationship between the parent and child and to establish contact between them. Reintegration therapy is usually court-ordered or agreed upon by parents who are divorcing or are divorced.

The first step is for all members of the family to have an individual intake session with Dr. Bresnick and for Dr. Bresnick to review any relevant court documents. Next, Dr. Bresnick will determine how to proceed, whether that be individual sessions with particular family members or joint sessions among family members. The pace of therapy will vary depending on the issues and individuals involved. In some cases, interaction between the parent and child may progress quickly, but in other cases the establishment of such contact can be lengthier. It should be noted that a reintegration therapist cannot make parenting time decisions or recommendations. The therapist can give an opinion as to what the child might be ready for, but it is ultimately up to the court, if the parents cannot reach an agreement, as to what parenting time will be or when it will start or resume.

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